About Whitlam’s Berlin Tours

Berlin tour guide Jonny Whitlam. What is he doing with his hands? Even he doesn't know.

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Hi, I’m Jonny Whitlam, a Berlin tour guide, video content creator, and podcaster.

Originally from the UK, I studied Politics in Newcastle before moving to Berlin for a 6-month stint, which turned into over a decade. Now a German citizen, I’ve led thousands of tours through the world’s most fascinating city, Berlin.

After 12 years working for tour agencies and becoming a manager, I launched Whitlam’s Berlin Tours in 2022. Here, you’ll find various ways to explore Berlin: private tours, self-guided walks, audio tours, blog posts, and the occasional group tour too!

I’ve appeared on the BBC & ITV, and in the Smithsonian magazine.

If you want to know if I’m the real deal before booking a tour, check out my history shorts. You’ll find my Berlin history shorts on Instagram and TikTok, more in-depth videos on YouTube, and you can find my Berlin history podcast, History Flakes, right here.

They’re a great way to explore Berlin from the comfort of your home, learn some history, and get a free taster while you’re at it!

Organisations I’m proud to have worked with

BBC Logo
Deutsche Bank Logo
KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme Logo
ITV logo
Deutschland DE logo
Paul Singer Verein Logo
Sachsenhausen logo
Fazit Logo
Decades From Home Logo
Auswärtiges Amt logo
Foundry Logo
The Local Logo
bookingkit logo
Gedenkstätte Hohenschönhausen Logo
Cold War Conversations Logo
Humboldt Forum Logo