About Whitlam’s Berlin Tours
Hi, I’m Jonny Whitlam, a Berlin tour guide, video content creator, and podcaster.
Originally from the UK, I studied Politics in Newcastle before moving to Berlin for a 6-month stint, which turned into over a decade. Now a German citizen, I’ve led thousands of tours through the world’s most fascinating city, Berlin.
After 12 years working for tour agencies and becoming a manager, I launched Whitlam’s Berlin Tours in 2022. Here, you’ll find various ways to explore Berlin: private tours, self-guided walks, audio tours, blog posts, and the occasional group tour too!
I’ve appeared on the BBC & ITV, and in the Smithsonian magazine.
If you want to know if I’m the real deal before booking a tour, check out my history shorts. You’ll find my Berlin history shorts on Instagram and TikTok, more in-depth videos on YouTube, and you can find my Berlin history podcast, History Flakes, right here.
They’re a great way to explore Berlin from the comfort of your home, learn some history, and get a free taster while you’re at it!